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Avoid These Six Mistakes After a Car Crash

Posted on: June 24th, 2021 by Timothy Hendershot
A car crash is bad enough – don’t make it worse with mistakes afterwards.

A car crash is bad enough – don’t make it worse with mistakes afterwards.

Being involved in a car crash in Washington State is an unexpected stressful experience. However, many drivers make several key mistakes after being involved in a car accident. You should really avoid these top mistakes.

1. Admitting Fault

Whether you caused the accident or not, never say anything that could be taken as admitting fault. In other words, if you were not at fault or if you’re uncertain who was at fault, don’t apologize to the other driver.

When speaking to insurance providers you need to be very careful with what you say. You may invalidate any claims made later by admitting fault to an insurance company, even if you are technically owed compensation.

2. Leaving the Scene of the Accident

If there has been an injury or damage to someone’s vehicle as a result of an accident you have been part of, it is against the law to leave the scene of the accident. You are required to stop and exchange contact information and insurance details for any claim you make later.

It’s also common courtesy to ensure any injured persons receive proper medical attention before you leave the scene.

3. Failing to Gather Evidence

It is important to take photos of the accident scene to submit as evidence later on. Try to take photos or video from as many angles as possible before any vehicles are moved.

It is beneficial to take photos or video of any stop signs, obstacles, and lights that obscure the view of the road. Also, to ensure you have the correct information, remember to take a photo of the other vehicle’s license plate.

4. Not Going to a Doctor

It is critical that you seek immediate medical attention if you’ve been hurt in a car accident, particularly if you’ve sustained a serious injury such as whiplash.

Go to the doctor to get an assessment, even if you think it’s unnecessary. The doctor’s report will provide additional evidence for your case. If you put in a claim for personal injury, this is one of the first documents insurance companies request.

5. Accepting the First Insurance Offer

Insurance companies first settlement offer is almost always lower than they are prepared to pay. Most people, however, accept this immediately. It’s best to have an attorney review the settlement and give you their expert advice because you may be entitled to much more than their offer.

6. Not Hiring an Attorney

Many people filing an insurance claim, believe they don’t need an attorney. But, as we have seen, insurance firms often offer far less than you deserve. Besides, it can be stressful dealing with an insurance company, particularly if you’re recovering from injuries.

At Cunnane Law, we are expert car crash lawyers. We serve Edmonds, Shoreline, Mukilteo, and all the north Puget Sound area. Get in touch with us today if you have suffered a personal injury in a car crash, and we will handle the case for you and work to ensure you receive the best settlement possible.

Note: This information was provided not for any specific claim and is written in broad and general terms and may not be the right path to follow for a particular claim or case. This information is not intended to create an attorney client relationship. It is always best to receive direct legal counsel for your legal issues. It is never too early to call the attorney, but it can be too late.

Drunk Driving Statistics Will Shock You

Posted on: June 21st, 2021 by Timothy Hendershot
Drunk driving remains a serious problem in Edmonds and throughout Washington State.

Drunk driving remains a serious problem in Edmonds and throughout Washington State.

Whenever you get behind the wheel of a vehicle in Edmonds you have plenty to worry about, particularly distracted drivers, drowsy drivers, and drunk drivers. We all know that these dangers have been around ever since the invention of the motor vehicle, but drunk driving in particular has become a serious problem in America.

Too Many Drunk Driving Crashes

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, states that every day in America approximately 28 people are killed in a drunk driver accident, which equates to one death every 52 minutes. Undeniably shocking statistics, but there is some evidence in the NHTSA statistics that overall drunk driving death rates are dropping. The 2019 statistics show that the number of drunk driving deaths were the lowest recorded in almost 37 years. Even so, in 2019 there were still over 10,140 deaths due to drunk driving accidents.

What makes the aspect of drunk driving so frustrating is that in most cases it is entirely preventable. What possible reason could a person who has had too much to drink and become intoxicated have for getting behind a wheel? Besides being negligent, these drivers are also reckless. They not only endanger their own lives but the lives of everyone else on the roads.

Regardless of the fact that every driver is aware of the extreme dangers of driving after drinking or using drugs, drunk driving accidents are still a serious problem in Edmonds, WA as well as the rest of the Seattle area and the country as a whole. If you have unfortunately been hit by a drunk driver, you can make sure you receive the full compensation you are entitled to by having an experienced car crash lawyer to represent you.

Victim of Drunk Driving? We Can Help.

At Cunnane Law, we work with Edmonds and Seattle-area residents who have been injured in drunk driving motor accidents. We make sure that our clients are fully informed so that they can make the best decisions in a personal injury lawsuit. Call us for a free case evaluation.

Note: This information was provided not for any specific claim and is written in broad and general terms and may not be the right path to follow for a particular claim or case. This information is not intended to create an attorney client relationship. It is always best to receive direct legal counsel for your legal issues. It is never too early to call the attorney, but it can be too late.

What is the Process for Wrongful Death Claims?

Posted on: May 25th, 2021 by Timothy Hendershot
The wrongful death claims process can be difficult. That’s why you need an experienced lawyer on your side.

The wrongful death claims process can be difficult. That’s why you need an experienced lawyer on your side.

One of the most difficult things a person can endure is the loss of a loved one. When it happens suddenly and is someone else’s fault, that loss is especially difficult to accept. Nothing can ever take the place of your loved one but winning a wrongful death claim can provide a sense of justice being served and also ease the financial struggles the family are going through.

For wrongful death claims, the cause of the accident and how the accident brought about the family member’s death generally require extensive investigation. This is why the family members should contact an experienced personal injury lawyer in Washington before a lawsuit is filed in a wrongful death case.

To establish if there was evidence in the accident of wrongdoing, your wrongful death lawyer will review all the medical records, interview witnesses and consult experts. All potential defendants in the case will need to be identified by the attorney, including those who may reside in other states or countries.

The lawsuit will be filed once your attorney has gathered evidence supporting a wrongful death lawsuit. A personal representative is appointed to file a wrongful death case. This person could be either a family member or a third-party with no interest in the outcome of the case.

The plaintiff and defendants will exchange evidence, records, and other information during discovery, including taking dispositions and answering written questions. Expert witnesses may also be involved in wrongful death cases to review the evidence and provide an opinion on the cause of death and who was responsible.

The parties may decide to settle the case at any time before the end of the trial, which may be better for the family who will then not have to go through the difficult process of a trial. This provides some predictability in the outcome instead of the case being left to a jury to decide if the accident was caused by the defendants.

Wrongful Death Lawsuit Attorney in Edmonds WA

It is devastating having to face the death of a family member or a loved one, but the situation is even more tragic when that death is wrongfully caused by someone else’s negligence.

Wrongful death litigation can be complex in Washington State, and there is a time limit for filing a wrongful death lawsuit. The experienced attorneys at Cunnane Law understand fully the trauma and hardships that families deal with when facing a wrongful death. Contact us today for a free case evaluation and allow us to help you seek justice and maximum compensation for the wrongful death of your loved one.

Note: This information was provided not for any specific claim and is written in broad and general terms and may not be the right path to follow for a particular claim or case. This information is not intended to create an attorney client relationship. It is always best to receive direct legal counsel for your legal issues. It is never too early to call the attorney, but it can be too late.

Wrongful Death Lawsuits in Washington State

Posted on: May 20th, 2021 by Timothy Hendershot
Not sure what a wrongful death lawsuit is? Here’s a brief introduction.

Not sure what a wrongful death lawsuit is? Here’s a brief introduction.

When someone you love has been killed in a car crash due to another person’s negligence, the responsible person should be held accountable. In Washington a wrongful death lawsuit gives certain family members a cause of action to seek compensation for their loss and hold the person who caused the accident accountable. Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 4.20.010.

Accident Types that Result in Wrongful Death Lawsuits

In Washington any accident that causes a fatal injury can lead to a wrongful death lawsuit. Accidents such as:

  • Car, truck and motorcycle accidents
  • Pedestrian accidents
  • Bike accidents
  • Drowning
  • Electrical shock
  • Workplace accidents

Who May File a Wrongful Death Claim?

Only the following family members related to the deceased are allowed to file for a wrongful death:

  • Spouse
  • Domestic partner
  • Child or children (this includes stepchildren)

The parents or siblings can file a wrongful death claim if there is no spouse, domestic partner or children, but only if they were dependent on the deceased for support.

Wrongful Death Claims Must be Filed Within the Prescribed Time Limit

The time limit, (known as the statute of limitations), for most wrongful death claims is three years from the date of death. However, in some cases this time limit can be longer or shorter.

To avoid filing the claim too late, family members should contact an experienced wrongful death attorney as soon as possible. Even if the lawsuit is filed one day too late the family may lose out on their claim.

Damages in a Wrongful Death Lawsuit

Damages included in a wrongful death lawsuit are the economic losses related to the family’s loss as well as non-financial damages associated to the loss of a loved one, and may include:

  • Funeral costs
  • Loss of the income the deceased would have earned
  • Loss of support
  • Loss of consortium
  • Loss of services
  • Medical costs and expenses incurred by the deceased after the accident but before death

Wrongful Death Lawsuit Attorney in the Edmonds WA Area

It can be difficult for the family to think about what to do after a loved one has been killed in an accident. Seek help from an experienced Edmonds, WA wrongful death attorney to guide you and your family through the difficult process of ensuring the persons responsible for the accident are held accountable.

Joe Cunnane at Cunnane Law will watch out for you and fight for your rights. As an expert car crash and personal injury lawyer, he will guide you through the whole process. Let Cunnane Law help you get your life back to normal and recover the compensation you deserve. For a free wrongful death lawsuit consultation, call today.

Note: This information was provided not for any specific claim and is written in broad and general terms and may not be the right path to follow for a particular claim or case. This information is not intended to create an attorney client relationship. It is always best to receive direct legal counsel for your legal issues. It is never too early to call the attorney, but it can be too late.

How Does Compensation for Pain and Suffering Work in Washington State?

Posted on: April 27th, 2021 by Timothy Hendershot
You may have heard of the term ‘pain and suffering’, but what does it actually mean in Washington?

You may have heard of the term ‘pain and suffering’, but what does it actually mean in Washington?

If you have been a casualty of a personal injury accident, including a car accident, and the accident was the fault of someone else, you may be due compensation for any injuries you received. Besides compensation for your physical injuries, you may also be entitled to compensation for non-economic injuries, otherwise known as “pain and suffering,” caused by the accident.

Although we have all heard the term “pain and suffering,” many people may not actually understand what injuries the pain and suffering calculation includes or even how they are calculated.

Washington State’s Legal Definition of Pain and Suffering

The State of Washington defines non-economic injuries as “subjective, non-monetary losses, including, but not limited to pain, suffering, inconvenience, mental anguish, disability or disfigurement incurred by the injured party, emotional distress, loss of society and companionship, loss of consortium, injury to reputation and humiliation, and destruction of the parent-child relationship.” (RCW 4.56.250)

So, what they’re saying is that a wide variety of subjective injuries suffered in an accident can be included in pain and suffering. The pain and suffering portion of your settlement represents things that are not easy to quantify. As an example: Unlike an injury for which you incur a medical bill, you do not receive a bill for the pain suffered as a result of that injury which makes it more difficult to quantify. Other things that are more difficult to quantify include, emotional distress, permanent disfigurement and scars.

Everyone’s Pain and Suffering is Unique

Each victim is affected in their own unique way by emotional distress, pain and anguish caused by an accident. One victim may experience the trauma of an accident more severely than another.  In the same way, one victim may suffer anguish as a result of disfigurement, or physical scarring, more severely than another victim. Our emotional reaction as the victim of an accident is as unique as our individuality.

If you have been injured in a personal injury or car accident in the Edmonds WA area you need a personal injury lawyer who can sit down with you and give you an accurate idea of what your case is worth, pain and suffering included. The factors considered when calculating your pain and suffering award include, your age, occupation and general state of health prior to the accident, and the actual physical injuries you received. An insurance adjuster may try to convince you that your pain and suffering award is a fixed amount but don’t settle for less than what your case is worth. The personal injury attorneys at Cunnane Law can help. Contact us today!

Note: This information was provided not for any specific claim and is written in broad and general terms and may not be the right path to follow for a particular claim or case. This information is not intended to create an attorney client relationship. It is always best to receive direct legal counsel for your legal issues. It is never too early to call the attorney, but it can be too late.

An Overview of Washington State Personal Injury Laws

Posted on: April 20th, 2021 by Timothy Hendershot
Like any state, Washington has specific personal injury laws you should be aware of.

Like any state, Washington has specific personal injury laws you should be aware of.

Whether you are pursuing an injury claim through a personal injury lawsuit in court or with an insurance company, you may be wondering about the process and whether the Washington state laws will affect your claim. Let’s have a look at some key personal injury laws in Washington state.

Statute of Limitations for Injury Lawsuits

The Statute of Limitations, which is applicable in each state, requires that you file your lawsuit in the state’s civil court system within a certain time limit.  You may be barred permanently from receiving any compensation for your injuries if you do not file your claim within the time limit.

The Statute of Limitations in Washington state is three years, beginning on the date of your accident or injury. It is absolutely vital to keep to this time limit, because your case will most certainly be dismissed if you try to file your lawsuit after the three-year period.

Washington’s Comparative Fault Rules

There are some cases where an injured person may be partially to blame for causing their own injuries. If this applies to your case, your claim is not entirely foreclosed because you may share a percentage of fault. A “pure comparative negligence” approach is used in Washington state. This means that the amount you recover will be reduced by your percentage of fault. In other words, if you are determined by the judge or jury to be 25% at fault you will receive 75% of the recovery amount.

In awarding damages to you, the court is required to apply this comparative negligence rule if your personal injury lawsuit goes all the way through trial.

Liability for Dog Bite or Attack Cases

Dog owners in many states have some degree of protection from injury liability the first time their dog injures someone. This is often known as a “one bite rule”. In Washington however, the owner is made “strictly liable” by a specific statute (Wash. Rev. Code Ann. § 16.08.040). Meaning that regardless of the animal’s past behavior, any personal injury caused by the dog is the dog owner’s responsibility.

The Statute reads:

“The owner of any dog which shall bite any person while such person is in or on a public place or lawfully in or on a private place including the property of the owner of such dog, shall be liable for such damages as may be suffered by the person bitten, regardless of the former viciousness of such dog or the owner’s knowledge of such viciousness.”

Liabilities of Government Entities in Washington

Special rules and limitations apply if your injury claim is against a local or state government employee or entity. A formal notice of your claim must be filed within the statute of limitations period of three years, with the state or municipality involved. A notice of claim does not get filed with a court, and differs from a complaint, which is the document that normally initiates a lawsuit.

Once you have formally put the state or local government entity on notice of your claim, you have to wait sixty days after filing your claim, before you can file a lawsuit.

What Next?

Of course, this is only a quick overview of personal injury laws in Washington State. It’s important that you discuss your situation with a qualified, expert personal injury lawyer like the ones at Cunnane Law in Edmonds, WA. Whether it’s a car crash, long-term disability, or other injury, Cunnane Law will fight for you. Call us for a consultation today.

Note: This information was provided not for any specific claim and is written in broad and general terms and may not be the right path to follow for a particular claim or case. This information is not intended to create an attorney client relationship. It is always best to receive direct legal counsel for your legal issues. It is never too early to call the attorney, but it can be too late.

It Was a Minor Car Crash, Do I Need a Lawyer?

Posted on: March 29th, 2021 by Timothy Hendershot
An good car crash lawyer can help you after an car crash – even a minor one.

An good car crash lawyer can help you after an car crash – even a minor one.

Is a lawyer necessary? This is a question many people ask themselves after any type of collision. Individuals may consider a legal representative unnecessary when injuries and damages are minor. There are those who believe there is no reason for a lawyer, and others who may not know that after a car crash they are entitled to a lawyer. However, when any type of collision occurs it is important to contact a professional for assistance, such as the team at Cunnane Law.

Accidents are traumatic and unexpected, causing a situation that involves time, money and energy to deal with. To help ensure that a victim is compensated for the damages suffered in a collision, it is important to obtain an expert car crash lawyer who will be sure to accomplish all the processes correctly and in a timely manner.

Common Situations for Obtaining a Lawyer

  • Legal representation should be considered when there is a dispute about who is responsible, or liability is unclear. Discovering what chain of events led to the injury and clearing any dispute about liability may be assisted by organizing evidence.
  • If there is mostly vehicle damage, an examination by an inspector may be required.
  • If an individual has been served with documentation involving a lawsuit, immediately contact a lawyer to protect one’s legal rights and avoid forfeiting rights.
  • Because adjusters tend to offer less than expected for repairs to property, and for long-term injuries requiring extensive medical treatment, a lawyer should review these settlements to see if they are acceptable. If all the treatment and medical procedures are not covered by the payment, a renegotiation is usually necessary.
  • Countless insurance claims are denied. The reason for companies denying these claims could be technicalities which may be minor or inconsequential, but still cause pain and suffering due to stress. Denials can be contested by a lawyer so entitled compensation for those who have been injured is received.

Hiring a Car Crash Lawyer

No matter how minor injuries sustained in a traffic accident may be, the person should seek a lawyer who is knowledgeable about personal injury and liability to provide legal representation. The retained lawyer should have a working knowledge on different medical procedures that may be implicated, as well as on motor vehicle claims. The legal representative’s case history and reputation are important.

Cunnane Law in Edmonds are expert car crash attorneys. Contact us today, even if you think your accident was minor. You may be in danger of missing out on important and valuable compensation for your damage and any injuries. Don’t go it alone. Let Cunnane Law fight for you.

Note: This information was provided not for any specific claim and is written in broad and general terms and may not be the right path to follow for a particular claim or case. This information is not intended to create an attorney client relationship. It is always best to receive direct legal counsel for your legal issues. It is never too early to call the attorney, but it can be too late.

Hit and Run Accident Attorney Assistance

Posted on: March 18th, 2021 by Timothy Hendershot
Whiplash is a serious problem for car crash victims. Cunnane Law can help.

Whiplash is a serious problem for car crash victims. Cunnane Law can help.

It can be downright maddening when someone intentionally leaves the scene of an accident to avoid facing the consequences. However, all is not lost if you have been in a hit and run accident. Cunnane Law in Edmonds, WA can help you recover costs related to your property damage as well as your physical injuries.

Criminal Penalties for Hit and Run Accidents

The three levels of penalties in the State of Washington for hit and run accidents are misdemeanor, gross misdemeanor, and felony.

If the car was parked or unattended at the time of a hit and run accident, Washington law considers it to be a misdemeanor punishable by up to 90 days in jail and a fine up to $1,000.

Gross demeanors are when a hit and run accident involves one car hitting another car. They are punishable by a $5,000 fine and up to 364 days in jail. However, if someone is injured in the accident it then becomes a Class C felony with a fine of up to $10,000 and 5 years prison time. A Class B felony is when someone is killed in the accident, punishable by $20,000 and up to 10 years in prison.

Washington State Civil Penalties for a Hit and Run Accident

In most cases, a driver is 100% at fault if they flee the scene of an accident. That means you and your attorney can seek compensation for injury damages if they are caught. Settlements can reach into millions of dollars, in cases of permanent impairment or disfigurement, provided the at-fault driver is actually found.

If the Police Don’t Find the Driver, What Happens?

All auto insurance companies doing business in the State of Washington are required by the state to offer every driver coverage for uninsured or under-insured motorists (UM/UIM). In a hit and run accident case where the driver could not be found, this coverage would be activated to cover an injured motorist’s damages. Without UM/UIM motorist coverage and a missing at-fault driver, there is nothing left that you could do and you, unfortunately, will have to foot the bill. This is one reason why you should make sure you have UM/UIM coverage and purchase adequate coverage amounts before it’s too late.

An Edmonds WA Hit and Run Attorney Can Help

Our attorneys at Cunnane Law in Edmonds WA have been successful in recovering damages for our clients worth millions of dollars. Whether it’s launching a priority investigation to locate the at-fault driver, suing that driver for negligence, or negotiating for the full value of your claim with the insurance company, we can help. Give us a call to set up a no-obligation consultation if you have been in a hit and run accident or any other car crash.

Note: This information was provided not for any specific claim and is written in broad and general terms and may not be the right path to follow for a particular claim or case. This information is not intended to create an attorney client relationship. It is always best to receive direct legal counsel for your legal issues. It is never too early to call the attorney, but it can be too late.

Whiplash is a Serious Injury 

Posted on: February 23rd, 2021 by Timothy Hendershot
Whiplash is a serious problem for car crash victims. Cunnane Law can help.

Whiplash is a serious problem for car crash victims. Cunnane Law can help.

Whiplash is a very common personal injury claim which is widely misunderstood, with some believing it is simply a hypochondriac exaggeration, or an excuse to “cash in.” Others consider whiplash to be a mild, short period of soreness that is not worth complaining about.

However, whiplash is, in actual fact, a genuine medical complication with differing degrees of severity. Suffering long-term effects of whiplash by car crash victims and other injured persons is not unusual.

You may be surprised by this, but the medical reality becomes easier to accept once you understand whiplash from an anatomical, neuromuscular perspective.

What is Whiplash?

Whiplash is described by the Mayo Clinic as a neck injury due to forceful, rapid back-and-forth movement of the neck, like the cracking of a whip.

It is important to realize that when a whiplash injury occurs, the soft tissue, the muscles, the tendons, the nerves in the neck, and sometimes the spine itself, can be affected.

The Most Common Causes of Whiplash

By far the most common cause of whiplash is auto accidents, with rear-end accidents being especially associated with whiplash. However, whiplash can occur in any accident where a person’s neck is rocked back and forth suddenly and forcefully.

Short-Term Whiplash Symptoms

Quite often the symptoms of short-term whiplash are not immediately noticeable. These symptoms will be experienced by some victims within minutes or a few hours after an injury, but they can take days or even weeks to develop in most cases.

In general, (though every patient is different), the more severely pronounced the symptoms are, the greater is the probability of long-term whiplash being experienced.

Long-Term Whiplash Effects

Although some whiplash victims recover within a few weeks or sometimes months, in other whiplash injury cases, the restriction and pain can last for a few years or even a lifetime.

Long-Term Whiplash Sufferers, Know Your Rights

Your day-to-day routine and your overall quality of life can be severely impacted as a result of whiplash. Requiring ongoing medical care and lost work time.

If someone else’s negligence caused your whiplash you are entitled to recover fair financial compensation and the cost of related medical bills from the negligent party, which in many cases will revert to an insurance company. Unfortunately, insurance companies have a reputation for attempting to pay out the smallest amount possible regardless of what their obligation might be. Fortunately, that can all be changed by an experienced car crash lawyer. We urge you to talk to a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible.

Keep in mind that strict time limits apply to most personal injury claims, so do not ignore your whiplash symptoms or delay submitting your claim.

At Cunnane Law, we realize that whiplash is very serious, and we are ready to take a firm, aggressive stand against insurance companies. We have years of experience and a great track record for getting our clients the compensation they deserve. So, give the compassionate car crash attorney in Edmonds, WA a call today!

Note: This information was provided not for any specific claim and is written in broad and general terms and may not be the right path to follow for a particular claim or case. This information is not intended to create an attorney client relationship. It is always best to receive direct legal counsel for your legal issues. It is never too early to call the attorney, but it can be too late.

Monetary Damages Can Help After Your Car Crash

Posted on: February 23rd, 2021 by Timothy Hendershot
Use an experienced car crash lawyer to fight for monetary damages.

Use an experienced car crash lawyer to fight for monetary damages.

After an auto accident you may find you have substantial losses and injuries, and in fact this accident could affect the rest of your life, though you may not immediately realize this. Even though the law can never compensate you fully for the losses and injuries you experience, the state of Washington does allow for certain monetary damages in a personal injury case. Contact an experienced car crash lawyer at Cunnane Law in Edmonds for a free, confidential consultation and case review.

After a car accident the potential damages available to you may include:

Medical expenses including prescriptions and medical equipment

  • Property damage
  • Loss of earnings
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Pain and suffering

You should also include in your lawsuit anything that reduces your quality of life.

How a Car Crash Lawyer Will Help to Claim the Money Damages Available

Reduce the stress and confusion of your personal injury case by have an attorney act as an advocate on your behalf to protect your interests throughout the whole process. Having an experienced car crash lawyer for your legal case, instead of you having to stress about it, gives you space to focus on getting well after your accident.

To learn more of what we can do for you, contact Cunnane Law, the car crash attorney experts in Edmonds, WA, to schedule a free case evaluation. We will explain more about your legal rights and options after a car accident during our no-obligation consultation.

Note: This information was provided not for any specific claim and is written in broad and general terms and may not be the right path to follow for a particular claim or case. This information is not intended to create an attorney client relationship. It is always best to receive direct legal counsel for your legal issues. It is never too early to call the attorney, but it can be too late.

(425) 672-7100