Make A Successful Car Accident Claim

A successful claim starts the moment after a car accident. Here’s how it works.
Nobody ever wants to be in a car accident. It’s scary, painful, and expensive. But filing a successful insurance claim starts the moment after the accident. Here are some tips to help you deal with the insurance and financial aftermath of a car accident.
Call the Police
The first thing you need to do, if you have been in an auto accident, is call the police. The surest way to remember all the details of the accident is to have the police record all the information in an accident report. When it comes to the facts of the accident, this type of documentary evidence is the most acceptable by both the courts and the insurance companies.
Seek Medical Assistance
Seek medical help if you have been hurt, or even if you feel fine. Some injuries, such as injuries to the soft tissue of the neck and back, only become evident weeks after an impact. Allow paramedics at the scene to treat you and if you are told to get further treatment, be sure to follow through. These records will be essential to establish a claim for medical expenses or for personal injury.
Inform Your Insurance Company
As soon as you can, preferably within 24 hours, call your insurance company to notify them of your accident. Take as many photos of the scene, and the vehicles involved, as you can with your cellphone or other camera. Try to photograph of the scene and the cars from every angle as these may be the only photos of the scene. Make a note of the physical damage to your vehicle, any personal injuries, medical bills and lost time and wages from work. If you are not going to make use of the assistance of an attorney, then, at this point you need to file an accident claim with your insurance company. Carry out any instructions from your insurance company and regularly check the progress of the claim with your contact person at the insurance company.
The at fault party’s insurance company may attempt to settle your claim as soon as possible. First, you have no obligation to give the at fault party’s insurance company a recorded statement and in many cases what you say will be used against you. Importantly, be incredibly careful about accepting the first offer and signing your rights away by signing a release of claim. Once you accept the offer and sign the release you will no longer be able to go back and renegotiate. Examine the offer to settle very carefully, if possible, with the help of a personal injury attorney who is experienced and familiar with the settlement procedures used by insurers.
Should you have any questions, our personal injury attorneys are familiar with automobile insurance settlement and claim procedures and would be more than happy to assist you. Please give us a call at Cunnane Law in Edmonds WA.
Note: This information was provided not for any specific claim and is written in broad and general terms and may not be the right path to follow for a particular claim or case. This information is not intended to create an attorney client relationship. It is always best to receive direct legal counsel for your legal issues. It is never too early to call the attorney, but it can be too late.