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A car crash is bad enough – don’t make it worse with mistakes afterwards.
Being involved in a car crash in Washington State is an unexpected stressful experience. However, many drivers make several key mistakes after being involved in a car accident. You should really avoid these top mistakes. 1. Admitting Fault Whether you caused the accident or not, never say anything that could be taken as admitting fault. In other words, if you were not at fault or if you’re uncertain who was at fault, don’t apologize to the other driver. When speaking to insurance providers you need to be very careful with what you say. You may invalidate any claims made later...[ Read More ]
Drunk driving remains a serious problem in Edmonds and throughout Washington State.
Whenever you get behind the wheel of a vehicle in Edmonds you have plenty to worry about, particularly distracted drivers, drowsy drivers, and drunk drivers. We all know that these dangers have been around ever since the invention of the motor vehicle, but drunk driving in particular has become a serious problem in America. Too Many Drunk Driving Crashes The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, states that every day in America approximately 28 people are killed in a drunk driver accident, which equates to one death every 52 minutes. Undeniably shocking statistics, but there is some evidence in the NHTSA...[ Read More ]
The wrongful death claims process can be difficult. That’s why you need an experienced lawyer on your side.
One of the most difficult things a person can endure is the loss of a loved one. When it happens suddenly and is someone else’s fault, that loss is especially difficult to accept. Nothing can ever take the place of your loved one but winning a wrongful death claim can provide a sense of justice being served and also ease the financial struggles the family are going through. For wrongful death claims, the cause of the accident and how the accident brought about the family member’s death generally require extensive investigation. This is why the family members should contact an...[ Read More ]
Not sure what a wrongful death lawsuit is? Here’s a brief introduction.
When someone you love has been killed in a car crash due to another person’s negligence, the responsible person should be held accountable. In Washington a wrongful death lawsuit gives certain family members a cause of action to seek compensation for their loss and hold the person who caused the accident accountable. Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 4.20.010. Accident Types that Result in Wrongful Death Lawsuits In Washington any accident that causes a fatal injury can lead to a wrongful death lawsuit. Accidents such as: Car, truck and motorcycle accidents Pedestrian accidents Bike accidents Drowning Electrical shock Workplace accidents Who...[ Read More ]
You may have heard of the term ‘pain and suffering’, but what does it actually mean in Washington?
If you have been a casualty of a personal injury accident, including a car accident, and the accident was the fault of someone else, you may be due compensation for any injuries you received. Besides compensation for your physical injuries, you may also be entitled to compensation for non-economic injuries, otherwise known as “pain and suffering,” caused by the accident. Although we have all heard the term “pain and suffering,” many people may not actually understand what injuries the pain and suffering calculation includes or even how they are calculated. Washington State’s Legal Definition of Pain and Suffering The State...[ Read More ]
Like any state, Washington has specific personal injury laws you should be aware of.
Whether you are pursuing an injury claim through a personal injury lawsuit in court or with an insurance company, you may be wondering about the process and whether the Washington state laws will affect your claim. Let’s have a look at some key personal injury laws in Washington state. Statute of Limitations for Injury Lawsuits The Statute of Limitations, which is applicable in each state, requires that you file your lawsuit in the state’s civil court system within a certain time limit.  You may be barred permanently from receiving any compensation for your injuries if you do not file your...[ Read More ]
An good car crash lawyer can help you after an car crash – even a minor one.
Is a lawyer necessary? This is a question many people ask themselves after any type of collision. Individuals may consider a legal representative unnecessary when injuries and damages are minor. There are those who believe there is no reason for a lawyer, and others who may not know that after a car crash they are entitled to a lawyer. However, when any type of collision occurs it is important to contact a professional for assistance, such as the team at Cunnane Law. Accidents are traumatic and unexpected, causing a situation that involves time, money and energy to deal with. To...[ Read More ]
Whiplash is a serious problem for car crash victims. Cunnane Law can help.
It can be downright maddening when someone intentionally leaves the scene of an accident to avoid facing the consequences. However, all is not lost if you have been in a hit and run accident. Cunnane Law in Edmonds, WA can help you recover costs related to your property damage as well as your physical injuries. Criminal Penalties for Hit and Run Accidents The three levels of penalties in the State of Washington for hit and run accidents are misdemeanor, gross misdemeanor, and felony. If the car was parked or unattended at the time of a hit and run accident, Washington...[ Read More ]
Whiplash is a serious problem for car crash victims. Cunnane Law can help.
Whiplash is a very common personal injury claim which is widely misunderstood, with some believing it is simply a hypochondriac exaggeration, or an excuse to “cash in.” Others consider whiplash to be a mild, short period of soreness that is not worth complaining about. However, whiplash is, in actual fact, a genuine medical complication with differing degrees of severity. Suffering long-term effects of whiplash by car crash victims and other injured persons is not unusual. You may be surprised by this, but the medical reality becomes easier to accept once you understand whiplash from an anatomical, neuromuscular perspective. What is...[ Read More ]
Use an experienced car crash lawyer to fight for monetary damages.
After an auto accident you may find you have substantial losses and injuries, and in fact this accident could affect the rest of your life, though you may not immediately realize this. Even though the law can never compensate you fully for the losses and injuries you experience, the state of Washington does allow for certain monetary damages in a personal injury case. Contact an experienced car crash lawyer at Cunnane Law in Edmonds for a free, confidential consultation and case review. After a car accident the potential damages available to you may include: Medical expenses including prescriptions and medical...[ Read More ]
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