Whiplash is a Serious Injury

Whiplash is a serious problem for car crash victims. Cunnane Law can help.
Whiplash is a very common personal injury claim which is widely misunderstood, with some believing it is simply a hypochondriac exaggeration, or an excuse to “cash in.” Others consider whiplash to be a mild, short period of soreness that is not worth complaining about.
However, whiplash is, in actual fact, a genuine medical complication with differing degrees of severity. Suffering long-term effects of whiplash by car crash victims and other injured persons is not unusual.
You may be surprised by this, but the medical reality becomes easier to accept once you understand whiplash from an anatomical, neuromuscular perspective.
What is Whiplash?
Whiplash is described by the Mayo Clinic as a neck injury due to forceful, rapid back-and-forth movement of the neck, like the cracking of a whip.
It is important to realize that when a whiplash injury occurs, the soft tissue, the muscles, the tendons, the nerves in the neck, and sometimes the spine itself, can be affected.
The Most Common Causes of Whiplash
By far the most common cause of whiplash is auto accidents, with rear-end accidents being especially associated with whiplash. However, whiplash can occur in any accident where a person’s neck is rocked back and forth suddenly and forcefully.
Short-Term Whiplash Symptoms
Quite often the symptoms of short-term whiplash are not immediately noticeable. These symptoms will be experienced by some victims within minutes or a few hours after an injury, but they can take days or even weeks to develop in most cases.
In general, (though every patient is different), the more severely pronounced the symptoms are, the greater is the probability of long-term whiplash being experienced.
Long-Term Whiplash Effects
Although some whiplash victims recover within a few weeks or sometimes months, in other whiplash injury cases, the restriction and pain can last for a few years or even a lifetime.
Long-Term Whiplash Sufferers, Know Your Rights
Your day-to-day routine and your overall quality of life can be severely impacted as a result of whiplash. Requiring ongoing medical care and lost work time.
If someone else’s negligence caused your whiplash you are entitled to recover fair financial compensation and the cost of related medical bills from the negligent party, which in many cases will revert to an insurance company. Unfortunately, insurance companies have a reputation for attempting to pay out the smallest amount possible regardless of what their obligation might be. Fortunately, that can all be changed by an experienced car crash lawyer. We urge you to talk to a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible.
Keep in mind that strict time limits apply to most personal injury claims, so do not ignore your whiplash symptoms or delay submitting your claim.
At Cunnane Law, we realize that whiplash is very serious, and we are ready to take a firm, aggressive stand against insurance companies. We have years of experience and a great track record for getting our clients the compensation they deserve. So, give the compassionate car crash attorney in Edmonds, WA a call today!
Note: This information was provided not for any specific claim and is written in broad and general terms and may not be the right path to follow for a particular claim or case. This information is not intended to create an attorney client relationship. It is always best to receive direct legal counsel for your legal issues. It is never too early to call the attorney, but it can be too late.