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The Dangers of Drowsy Driving

The Cunnane Law Office has provided this content for informational purposes only. You should refer your questions to a personal injury attorney.file4191256584229

Here in Seattle a lot of us commute to and from work. During long commutes we might get tired from a long work day mixed with a warm car. Sleepiness slows reaction time, decreases awareness, impairs judgment and increases your overall risk of crashing.

Factors that may affect your level of tiredness while driving include: sleep loss from restriction or too little sleep, interruption or fragmented sleep, chronic sleep debt, driving patterns or work schedules, undiagnosed or untreated sleep disorders, time spent on a task, and the use of sedating medications.

Sleepiness and fatigue can impair judgment, vision and reaction time. It may also cause problems with information processing and short-term memory. Sleepiness will decrease your performance and motivation while increasing moodiness and aggressive behaviors.

Many states now allow police to charge drowsy drivers with criminal negligence if they injure or kill someone while driving without adequate sleep.

The Cunnane Law Office has provided this content for informational purposes only. You should refer your questions to a personal injury attorney.

(425) 672-7100