Drunk Driving Statistics Will Shock You

Drunk driving remains a serious problem in Edmonds and throughout Washington State.
Whenever you get behind the wheel of a vehicle in Edmonds you have plenty to worry about, particularly distracted drivers, drowsy drivers, and drunk drivers. We all know that these dangers have been around ever since the invention of the motor vehicle, but drunk driving in particular has become a serious problem in America.
Too Many Drunk Driving Crashes
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, states that every day in America approximately 28 people are killed in a drunk driver accident, which equates to one death every 52 minutes. Undeniably shocking statistics, but there is some evidence in the NHTSA statistics that overall drunk driving death rates are dropping. The 2019 statistics show that the number of drunk driving deaths were the lowest recorded in almost 37 years. Even so, in 2019 there were still over 10,140 deaths due to drunk driving accidents.
What makes the aspect of drunk driving so frustrating is that in most cases it is entirely preventable. What possible reason could a person who has had too much to drink and become intoxicated have for getting behind a wheel? Besides being negligent, these drivers are also reckless. They not only endanger their own lives but the lives of everyone else on the roads.
Regardless of the fact that every driver is aware of the extreme dangers of driving after drinking or using drugs, drunk driving accidents are still a serious problem in Edmonds, WA as well as the rest of the Seattle area and the country as a whole. If you have unfortunately been hit by a drunk driver, you can make sure you receive the full compensation you are entitled to by having an experienced car crash lawyer to represent you.
Victim of Drunk Driving? We Can Help.
At Cunnane Law, we work with Edmonds and Seattle-area residents who have been injured in drunk driving motor accidents. We make sure that our clients are fully informed so that they can make the best decisions in a personal injury lawsuit. Call us for a free case evaluation.
Note: This information was provided not for any specific claim and is written in broad and general terms and may not be the right path to follow for a particular claim or case. This information is not intended to create an attorney client relationship. It is always best to receive direct legal counsel for your legal issues. It is never too early to call the attorney, but it can be too late.